100 books: Away We Go!

I looooooove lists.  I'm not saying I finish everything on a list, but the crossing off of to-do items brings such joy that I constantly find more things to put on a list, just so I can cross them off.  Which means my to-do list is never ending and stressful.

But I digress.  As an avid reader, I've always wanted to be one of those people who has read "the classics" or can at least fully admit she has read Of Mice and Men or 1984, or, you know, all five books required in my British Literature class that one semester in college (sheepish blush).  How did I get an A in that class having not read 20% of the required material?  Guess I'm a great bullshitter.  I should teach THAT class.

For my first "I'll Give That a Go" I'm turning to my happy place: Amazon.  Bringer of all goods in two days, and GOD HELP YOU IF YOU DO NOT DELIVER MY PRIME PACKAGE IN TWO BUSINESS DAYS.

They published this list: 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime and I wanted to start this blog off with a nice long-term list.  Don't worry, there will be shorter goals also, but why not begin here?

None of these books are on the list
Glancing through this list, there are a few I can cross off already, and a few I've read I'd like to reread:
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory:  I just read this book out loud to my children
- Little House on the Prairie: I have read this a billion times and I can't wait to read it again
- The Giver: My all-time favorite book, which just so happens to be on the list

And a few more.  But there are a lot of classics I've never managed to get through, and a lot of books I've never heard of.  So, stay tuned for my review of 1984.  Nope, never read it.  It was on Broadway recently in a new adaptation where audiences were reported to have vomited, fainted, and been arrested afterwards, it was so controversial.  Sounds perfect - stay tuned as I give 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime a go!
